{t: Let Me Be There } {key: C } {artist:Olivia Newton-John} Olivia Newton John: Capo on 2nd fret {c: } Wherever you [C] go wherever you may [F] wander in your [C] life Surely you [C] know I always wanna be [G] there Holding your [C] hand and standing by to [F] catch you when you [C] fall Seeing you [C] through - [G] in everything you [C] do. [F] [C] {c: } Let me [C] be there in your morning let me [F] be there in your night Let me [C] change whatever's wrong and make it [D] right [G] Let me [C] take you through that [C7] wonderland that [F] only two can share All I [C] ask you - [G] is let me be [C] there [F] [C] {c: } Watching you [C] grow and going through the [F] changes in your [C] life That's how I [C] know I always wanna be [G] there Whenever you [C] feel you need a friend to [F] lean on, here I [C] am Whenever you [C] call - [G] you know I'll be [C] there [F] [C] {c: } Let me [C] be there in your morning let me [F] be there in your night Let me [C] change whatever's wrong and make it [D] right [G] Let me [C] take you through that [C7] wonderland that [F] only two can share All I [C] ask you - [G] is let me be [C] there {c: Key Change} Let me [D] be there in your morning let me [G] be there in your night Let me [D] change whatever's wrong and make it [E] right [A] Let me [D] take you through that [D7] wonderland that [G] only two can share All I [D] ask you - [A] is let me be [D] there {c: } [G] All I [D] ask you - [A] is let me be [D] there [G] [D]