{t: Lucille - Everly Bothers } {key: G} {artist:Everly Brothers} {c: } [G] Lucille you don't do your daddy's will Lu-[C]cille you don't do your daddy's [G] will There [D7] ain't nothing to you but [C] I love you [G] still [D7] {c: } Lu-[G]cille please come back where you belong Lu-[C]cille please come back where you be-[G]long I'm [D7] begging to you baby [C] please don't leave me a-[G]lone [D7] {c: } I [G] woke up this morning Lucille was not in sight I asked my friends about her but all their lips were tight Lu-[C]cille please come back where you be-[G]long I'm [D7] begging to you baby [C] please don't leave me a-[G]lone [D7] {c: } I [G] woke up this morning Lucille was not in sight I asked my friends about her but all their lips were tight Lu-[C]cille please come back where you be-[G]long I'm [D7] begging to you baby [C] please don't leave me a-[G]lone