{t: Drag Queen Blues } {key: Em} {artist:Mateusz Rulski} {sos} My friend [G] George is a [C] drag queen called [G] Nancy {eos} My friend [G] George is a [C] drag queen called [G] Nancy Pray tell me [C] which are you to-[D]night? [D7] If you're [G] George then let's [C] have a game of [G] snooker [Em7] If you're [Em] Nancy let's t[C]urn out the [D] light. [D7] {c: } For George [G] is a [C] foreman in a [D] coalmine [G] But changes when the [Em] hooter goes at [D] five From a [G] snooker playing [C] friend of your's [G] truely [Em7] To the [G] man I would [C] like to make my [D] wife. [D7] {c: } For [G] Nancy brings me [C] midnight satis[G]faction And stays with me un-[Em]til the morning [D] light Then he's [G] off to his [C] work down a [G] coal shaft [Em7] Where he [Em] ain't such a [A] delicate [D] sight. [D7] {c: } Oh [G] Nancy you're the [C] girl that I [G] think of, But George I [Em] know she's part of [D] you But it's [G] Nancy not [C] you that I [G] fancy [Em7] Tell me [G] George tell me [C] what can I [D] do? [D7] {c: } I'm in [G] love with half a [C] man that's a [G] lady And the half that ain't no [Em] lady's my best [D] friend [G] Nancy I would [C] like to share my [G] name with [Em7] But [G] George is not the [C] type I could [D] offend [D7] {c: } So [G] George take off your [C] dress put on your [G] trousers I've gotta shake your [Em] Nancy from my [D] head So [G] tonight I am [C] dining with a-[G]nother [Em7] One half called [Bm] Freda ......And the [D] other half is [G] Fred [Am] [G]