{t:Have Yourself A Blessed Little Christmas} {artist:Michael O'Brien} {key: G} But in C {c: Thanks to Paul Rose who provided most of this to me - slight changes to closer match Youtube lyrics } [G] Christmas future is [Em] far [Bm] away, [G] Christmas past is [D7] past. [G] Christmas [Bm] present is here to [D7] day [Bm] bringing joy [Am] that will [Bm] last. {c: } [G] Have your-[Em]self a [Am] blessed little [D7] Christmas, [G] Christ the [Em] King is [Am] born. [D7] [G] Let your [Em] voices [Am] ring upon this [D7] happy [B7] morn. [E7] [Am] [D7] {c: } [G] Have your-[Em]self a [Am] blessed little [D7] Christmas, [G] Serenade [Em] the [Am] earth. [D7] [G] Tell the [Em] world we [Am] celebrate the [B7] Savior's [Em] birth.[G7] {c: } [Cmaj7] Let us gather and [Bm] sing to Him, [A] And to [Am] bring to Him [D7] our [Gmaj7] praise. [Em] Son of God [Bm] and a friend to all To the [D] end of all [Am] our [D7] days. {c: } [G] Let us all pro-[Em]claim the [Am] joyous ti-[D7]dings, [G] Voices [Em] raised on [Am] high. [D7] [G] Send this [Em] carol [Am] soaring up [D7] into the [Em] sky. [G7] This [C] very merry, [Am] blessed Christmas [D7] lulla-[G] by {c: } [G] Sing hosannas, [Em] hymns & [Am] hallelujahs, [D7] [G] As to [Em] Him we [Am] bow, [D7] [G] Make the [Em] music [Am] mighty as the [D7] heav'ns a-[Em]llow [G7] And [Em] have yourself a [Am] blessed little [D7] Christmas [G] now. [Am] [D7] [G]