{t:Let No Man Steal Your Thyme} {artist:Pentangle} {key: Dm} {c: } [Dm] Come, all you fair and [Am] tender girls That [Dm] flourish in your prime Be-[F]ware, be-[C]ware, keep your [Dm7] garden fair Let no man steal your [G] thy-[A]yme Let [Dm] no man [C] steal [Am] your [Dm] thyme {c: } For when your thyme is [Am] past and gone He'll [Dm] care no more for you And [F] in the [C] place your [Dm7] time was waste Will spread all o'er with [G] rue-[A]--. Will [Dm] spread all [C] o'er [Am] with [Dm] rue {c: } A woman is a [Am] branchy tree And [Dm] man's a clinging vine And [F] from her [C] branches [Dm7] carelessly He'll take what he can [G] fi-[A]ind.. He'll [Dm] take what [C] he [Am] can [Dm] find He'll take what [C] he [Am] can [Dm] find