{t: Sawing A Lady In Half} {key: G} {artist:Craig Robertson} {c: Thanks to Steve Walton for this !! } Intro:[Em7] [Gdim] [Em7] [Gdim] [Em7] He comes on [Gdim] stage with a [D7] smile [D7] He has [Em7] teeth like a [Gdim] Nile croco-[D7]dile [D7] He [Am] does some small [D7] tricks and some [Am] prestidigita-[D7]tion His [Am] lovely assi-[D7]stant causes [Am] quite a sen-[D7]sation As she [Em] climbs in a [Em] coffin and [Bm] pulls down the [Bm] top He [Am] takes out a [Am] saw, some-[D7]body yells [D7] "Stop" He’s [G] sawing a [C7] lady in [D7] half [D7] He [G] makes a small [C7] joke, [Cm] everyone [D7] laughs There’s [Am] nothing to [D7] fear ‘cause it’s [Em] all done with [Bm] mirrors [Am] Sawing a [D7] lady in [G] half {234 1234 1234 123} He [Em7] saws and she [Gdim] screams but it’s [D7] all in good [D7] fun He [Em7] pushes, both [Gdim] halves, ap-[D7]art when he’s [D7] done His [Am] lovely assi-[D7]stant [Am] wrinkles her [D7] nose [Em] Across the [Bm] room, she [Am] wiggles her [D7] toes [D7] He’s [G] sawing a [C7] lady in [D7] half [D7] He [G] makes a small [C7] joke, [Cm] everyone [D7] laughs There’s [Am] nothing to [D7] fear ‘cause it’s [Em] all done with [Bm] mirrors [Am] He’s sawing a [D7] lady in [G] half {234 1234 1234 123} The [Em7] cut is so [Gdim] clean, there’s no [D7] blood or no [D7] gore [Em7] No messy [Gdim] liquids run [D7] out on the [D7] floor The [Am] ladies all [D7] faint and the [Am] men all turn [D7] green It [Em] is the most [Bm] wonderous [Am] thing that they’ve [D7] seen [D7] He’s [G] sawing a [C7] lady in [D7] half [D7] He [G] makes a small [C7] joke, [Cm] everyone [D7] laughs There’s [Am] nothing to [D7] fear ‘cause it’s [Em] all done with [Bm] mirrors He’s [Am] sawing a [D7] lady in [Em7] half [Em7] {234 1234 1234 123} [Am] sawing a [D7] lady in [Em7] half [Em7] [Am] sawing a [D7] lady in [Em7] half [Em7][Em7] [G]