{t:First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, The} {artist:Roberta Flack} {key: C} {c: } [Dm] [G] The [Dm] first time [G7] ever I [C] saw your face, [Am] I thought the sun [Em7] rose in your ey-[F]es. And the [C] moon and sta-[G7]rs were the [C] gifts you gave, To the [Bb] dark and the endless [C] sky, my love. [Dm] And the first time [G] ever I [Em7] kissed your [G] mouth, [Am] I felt the earth [Em7] move in my [C] ha-[F]nds. [G] Like the trembling [F] hea-[C]rt [G7] of a [C] captive [G] bird [Bb] That was there at [C] my [G7] com-[C]mand [G] my love [Dm] And the first time [G] ever I [Em7] laid [C] with [G] you, [Am] I felt your heart [Em7] so close to [C] mi-[F]ne. And [G] I know our [F] jo-[C]y [G7] would [C] fill the [G] earth, [Bb] And last [C] till the end of time, [G] my love. [Dm] The first time ever I [C] sa-[G]aw [C] your face, [Bb] your face, [C] your [F] fa-[Bb]ce, Your [C] face