{t: Que Sera Sera alt} {artist:Chris Strain - Damien Rice cover} {key: F} [F] [F] When I was just a little boy I asked my [C] father, how would it be Would I be [Csus4] able to [C] play in the [Csus4] trees? Cause [C] they're cutting down [Csus4] forests and [C] spreading [Csus4] disease [C] And here's what he said to [F] me "Que se-[Bb]ra sera, whatever will [F] be will be The future's not [C] ours to see, Que sera se-[F]ra [C] What will be, will [F] be." [F] When I grew up and fell in love I asked my [C] sweetheart "What lies ahead? Will there be [C] rainbows, day after [Csus4] day? Will we be-[C]come just another [Csus4] cliche? [C] Having it all yeah and thrown it away?" [C] Here's what my seetheart [F] said: "Que se-[Bb]ra sera, whatever will [F] be will be The future's not [C] ours to see, Que sera se-[F]ra [C] What will be, will [F] be" [F] Now I have children of my own They ask their [C] father "What will we be? Will we be [C] bitter? Filled with [Csus4] regret? Will we be [C] choking on our own [Csus4] shit?" [C] I tell them tender-[F]ly: "Que se-[Bb]ra sera, whatever will [F] be will be The future's not [C] ours to see, Que sera se-[F]ra [C] What will be, will [F] be" "Que se-[Bb]ra sera, whatever will [F] be will be The future's not [C] ours to see, Que sera se-[F]ra [C] What will be, will [F] be, [C] what will be, will [F] be [C] Que Sera Se-[F]ra "