{t:Knock On Wood} {artist:Dooley Wilson} {key: D} Capo 4 {c: } [A] [A7] [D] [A7] Say, [D] who's got trouble? ([D] We got trouble!) [D] How much trouble? ([D] Too much trouble!) Well now, [D] don't you frown, just [D] knuckle [D7] down, and [A] knock on wood! [Em] Who's unhappy? ([Em] We're unhappy!) [Em] How unhappy? ([Em] Too unhappy!) [A] That won't do: when [A] you are blue just [D] knock on wood! [D] Who's unlucky? ([D] We're unlucky!) D] How unlucky? ([D] Too unlucky!) But your [D] luck'll change if [D] you'll [D7] arrange to [A] knock on wood! [Em] Who's got nothin'? ([Em] We got nothin'!) [Em] How much nothin'? ([Em] Too much nothin'!) Say, [A] nothin's not an awful [A] lot, but [D] knock on wood! [D] Now who's happy? ([D] We're happy!) [D] Just how happy? ([D] Very happy!) [D] That's the way we're [D] gonna [D7] stay, so [A] knock on wood! [Em] Now who's lucky? ([Em] We're all lucky!) [Em] Just how lucky? ([Em] Very lucky!) Well, [A] smile up then! And [A] once again let's [D] knock on [D] wood!