{t:Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered} {artist:Frank Sinatra} But in F {key: G} {c: Key changes make this tricky} [G] She's a fool and don't I [C] know it [Dm7] But a fool can [D] have her charms [Dm7] I'm in [G7] love and don't I [C7] show it [F7] Like a babe in [C] arms [G] Love's the same old sad sen-[C7]sation [G] Lately I've not [C] slept a [A7] wink [D] since this [G] silly sit-[C]uation [E7] has me [Dm] on the [G7] blink I'm [C] wild again, be-[Dm7]guiled again, A [C] simpering, [E7] whimpering [F] child again Be-[C]witched, [D7] bothered and be-[G7]wildered [Dm7] am I. [G7] [C] Couldn't sleep, and [Dm7] wouldn't sleep, When [C] love came and [E7] told me I [F] shouldn't sleep Be-[C] witched, [D7] bothered and be-[G7]wildered [F] am I. [A7] [Dm] Lost my heart, but what of it? [Am] She is cold, I agree [Dm] She might laugh, but I [G7] love it, Al-[Em]though the laugh's on [Dm7] me [G7] I'll [D] sing to her, bring [Em] spring to her, And [D] long for the day when I'll [G] cling to her, Be-[D]witched, [A7] bothered, and be-[Em]wildered [A] am I Be-[D]witched, [A] bothered, and be-[Em]wildered [A] am [D] I