{t:Strumming My Cares Away } {artist:Tampa Bay Ukulele Society } {key: G} {c: Thanks - copyright Steve Boisen - play moderately, with a swing feel} {c:} INTRO x2: [G] – [A7] – [D7] - [G] [G] I'm gonna strum my [A7] cares away, [D7] Watching the sun sink [G] into the bay. It's too hot to work, so [A7] here I'll stay. [D7] Strumming my cares a-[G]way. [D7] You could spend your whole life [G] punching the clock [D7] maybe get the third best [G] house on the block and [E7] Spending all your free time [A7] mowing the yard. [D7] Who wants to work that [G] hard? [G] I'm gonna strum my [A7] cares away, [D7] Watching the sun sink [G] into the bay. It's too hot to work, so [A7] here I'll stay. [D7] Strumming my cares a-[G]way. [D7] Grab your ukulele and [G] head for the shore. [D7] Tell your boss you just can't [G] take anymore. [E7] If he tries to stop you [A7] play him a song. [D7] He might want to tag a-[G]long. [G] Ooh................ [A7] la-la-la, [D7] Ooh.............. [G] la-la-la. [G] Ooh................ [A7] la-la-la, [D7] Ooh.............. [G] la-la-la. [D7] Maybe you're afraid that some-[G]one will hear. [D7] Take it from a pro, you've got [G] nothing to fear. [E7] Maybe you're afraid you'll for-[A7]get all the words. [D7] Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm- [G] hmm? [G] I'm gonna strum my [A7] cares away, [D7] Watching the sun sink [G] into the bay. It's too hot to work, so [A7] here I'll stay. [D7] Strumming my cares a- [G] way. [G] I'm gonna strum my [A7] cares away, [D7] Watching the sun sink [G] into the bay. la- la, la- la. [G] It's too hot to work, so [A7] here I'll stay, [D7] Strumming my cares a- [G] way. la- la, la- la. {c: A Cappella},,