{t:GF - Thanks Mr. Roosevelt Thrash} {artist:George Formby} {key: C} {c: Thanks to CHB (England)} {sos} [C] Thanks Mr. Roosevelt it's [D7] swell of you for the [G7] way you're hel-[Dm]ping [G7] us to carry [C] on {eos} [C] John Bull has written a message and [Dm] sent it off by clipper plane to-[G7]day Oh what a wonderful message, now [D7] let me tell you what it had to [G7] say. It just said [C] Thanks Mr. Roosevelt it's [D7] swell of you For the [G7] way you're helping us to carry [C] on [G7] You'll [C] see the British Empire [D7] smiling through [G7] When these dark and [Dm] stormy [G7] days are [C] gone [C7] And Franklyn, [F] by the way, [C] please convey [D7] Our congratulations to the [G7] folks in [Dm] US [G7] A We’re saying [C] Thanks Mr. Roosevelt it's [D7] swell of you For the [G7] way you're helping us to carry [C] on Instrumental {sos} [C] Thanks Mr. Roosevelt it's [D7] swell of you For the [G7] way you're helping us to carry [C] on [G7] You'll [C] see the British Empire [D7] smiling through [G7] When these dark and [Dm] stormy [G7] days are [C] gone [C7] And Franklyn, [F] by the way, [C] please convey [D7] Our congratulations to the [G7] folks in [Dm] US [G7] A {eos} Sing We’re saying [C] Thanks Mr. Roosevelt it's [D7] swell of you For the [G7] way you're helping us to carry [C] on