{t:You Can’t Keep A Horse In A Lighthouse } {artist:Billy Clarges, Jack Hill & Emile Littler} {key: C} {c: Thanks to Dave Walsh} You [C] can’t keep a [G7] horse in a [C] lighthouse; It [F] isn’t a home for Old [C] Ned. A [G7] horse’s place is [C] on dry land; He’ll [D7] never keep healthy on sea-foam and [G7] sand. Oh, you [C] can let him [G7] graze in the [C] garage, If you [F] give him his meals on a [Am] tray, But you [F] can’t keep a [D7] horse in a [C] light-[A7]house. [D7] Neigh! [G7] Neigh! [C] Neigh! You [C] can’t keep a [G7] horse in a [C] lighthouse; It [F] isn’t a home for Old [C] Ned. A [G7] horse’s place is [C] on dry land; He’ll [D7] never keep healthy on sea shells and [G7] sand. Oh, you [C] can trot him [G7] round the [C] allotment, For the [F] ‘get fit’ cam-[E7]paign, every [Am] day, But you [F] can’t keep a [D7] horse in a [C] light-[A7]house. [D7] Neigh! [G7] Neigh! [C] Neigh!