{t:Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede, The} {artist: Matt McGinn } {key: D} but in G {c: } Oh, [D] the Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede, [Em7] she was very sweet [A7] She was ever so proud of every one of her hundred [D] feet [D] Early every morning her [Em7] neighbours came to glance [A7] She always entertained them with a beautiful little [D] dance As [D] leg number ninety four gave [Em7] ninety five a shunt [A7] Legs number one and two were twistin out in [D] front [D] Legs numbers nine and ten came [Em7] wriggling up the side [A7] Seventy three and seventy four were doing the Parlour [D] Glide [D] Now her neighbour Jenny Longlegs with [Em7] jealousy was mad [A7] She went out and bought herself a pencil and a [D] pad [D] She came look one morning, she [Em7] made careful note [A7] Of every step the centipede made and this is what she [D] wrote Well [D] leg number ninety four gave [Em7] ninety five a shunt [A7] Legs number one and two were twistin out in [D] front [D] Legs numbers nine and ten came [Em7] wriggling up the side [A7] Seventy three and seventy four were doing the Parlour [D] Glide [D] Now with her exact notation young [Em7] Jenny Longlegs tried [A7] To dance just like the centipede, she failed and nearly [D] cried [D] She grabbed a hold of the centipede, and [Em7] said ‘Now, have a look [A7] Show me how to do this dance I've written in my [D] book? [D] The centipede said ‘Do I do that?’, and [Em7] tried to demonstrate [A7] She'd never thought it out before, sand didn't do too [D] great [D] Her hundred legs were twisted, and she [Em7] wound up in a tangle [A7] She fractured fourteen kneecaps, seven shinbones, and an [D] ankle [D] As legs number one and two were [Em7] tied with three and four [A7] Legs number five and six were cancelled on the [D] floor [D] Leg number seventeen was a-[Em7] ttacked by number ten [A7] Ninety eight and ninety nine will never dance a-[D]gain [D] Oh, the Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede, she [Em7] suffered terrible pain [A7] And some of us were very surprised she ever danced a-[D] gain [D] But now she tells her neighbours, any-[Em7] one that calls to see [A7] Never try an explanation of what comes natural-[D]ly.