iPad PDF Songbook Issues – Update
************* I have uploaded new songbooks that should minimise the issues on the current iPad versions (jumping to the right place in the index, going to the correct page in the book etc). If all is working for you then great – if not then re-download the book you are having problems with. If you have any issues then please let me know*************
I have figured out a change that I can make to fix some of the iPad issues for the large Jan 2024 PDF Jim’s Ukulele and Guitar Songbook
I have uploaded a new version of the Ukulele Songbook and will work on the others over the next week or so.
If you are on an iPad and having problems using the links (letter and links to songs etc) in the songbook – please re download the Ukulele songbook.
I will work on Vol1 and Vol2 next, then the Guitar songbook and work through the rest.
If people still have issues please let me know
I am receiving a lot of emails about some iPads not handling the “big” jan 2024 PDF songbook very well – not jumping to pages etc. The problem appears to be that the iPad PDF reader is overwhelmed by the size of the document.
If you install the iPad version of the Xodo app or the iPad version of the Foxit Reader app from the App Store and use that then it should work fine though
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