Left Handed Chords
In a week or two I will be releasing a new facility on the web site that will allow you to flip all the chords in each song to left hand versions. You will be able to create PDF’s of each page as well – as soon as I get back from holidays in warmer climes.
I will also release a gCEA Ukulele Songbook of the left hand version as well. If there is sufficient demand I may also release left hand versions of the guitar and baritone uke versions too
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I look forward to your posts like a cat after catnip! Thank you so much for all the work you put into your posts. Sharing with the ukulele community is a WONDERFUL thing, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Can I buy a left handed Ukelele song book with the chords at the top of the page?
I don’t sell the songbooks – there are just the ones that are there for download on the site.
You can create pdfs of any song with the chords on the top by doing that to each song but the songs are likely to go over a page if you do
sorry about that
Jim, I wanted to play a musical instrument for many years, and had a yearning to play the mandolin for playing Irish Music, but unfortunately developed arthritis in my fingers and the 6 strings were a step too far. My husband plays the ukulele and said why don’t I give it a try and i have discovered learning to play it is great fun, and am enjoying the process and hopefully we will be able to play songs in your collection together before long.
Thank you SO Much for your invaluable collection of left handed chorded music for the Ukulele – you have such an amazing collection available for everyone who wants to play and it is very generous of you to give up your time for other peoples enjoyment. Your work is so appreciated by me amongst many others, I’m sure.
Heather B
It’s my pleasure, Heather – I am really pleased you can get good use of the site!!