Login System


The promised login system is now live. This allows any Favourites you have to be consolidated into the site’s central database. If you create a Favourite when you are logged in then the Favourite will be stored in the database and NOT on the local device.

This also means that if you login on, say, an iPad you can see the same Favourites as if you login on your PC.

There is a facility to allow you to upload any Favourites that you have on a device (created before this login system or created when you are not logged in) to the central database.

This is pretty much useful for anyone with multiple devices or those that want to create Favourites at home and then display them on a different device elsewhere (say at a Uke Club). So if you only use one device and are happy with that then you don’t need to use this enhancement (although future enhancements may need it)

Logging In To The System

If you are not logged in then the Songs Index page and Song Display page will Show the words Login/Register at the top right of the page. Click on this.

A screen will be displayed showing a Login Box with Username and Password plus the two buttons “Login” and “Register”. If you haven’t registered then you will need to register on the system.

Click on the “Register” button. Then create a Username next to the @ symbol, add an email address (an email address can only be used once in the system) , add a password and repeat it. Click on the “I am not a Robot” box and then click on Register.

You will then be sent an email that will contain a link that you must click on to verify the email address. Once you click on that link then you will be able to Login using the details you entered.

If you have forgotten your password then click on the Forgot Your Password link on the Login Screen. A temporary password will be sent to you at your registered email address

Logged In/Member Screen

Once logged in a screen will come up with details of your Username, your registered email address, a link to change your profile (name, email address and username) plus links to the Song Index page, Favourites page, Change Password and to Logout. Once logged in you are able to close this page if you wish.

Once you are logged in then your Username will appear up on the top right of the page. Clicking on the Username will bring you to the Logged In/Member screen.

Effect of Being Logged In

If you have any Favourites on your device before you logged in then these will no longer show on the Favourites screen. BUT you can get the favourites from that device back by clicking on the Upload Local Favourites Menu item on the Favourites page. This will show a list of all the favourites you have defined locally (i.e. prior to the login system or that you created while not logged in).

You can select any (or all) of those Favourites and click on the “Upload Selected Local Favs to Database” button. This will merge the favourites into the central database under your username. You can repeat this with all your devices.

The songs on the local device will overwrite ones already on the database (if say you have already added the same song from a PC or another device) – so be aware of that!!

You are still restricted to a maximum of 50 Favourites at this time.

I then recommend that you delete those Favourites off your local device by selecting them and clicking on the “Remove Selected Local Favs” button.

If anyone has any issues then please let me know – hopefully the system will be useful to you.

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21 thoughts on “Login System

    1. I am not sure I understand – but if you open any song and then click on EDIT you can get an idea on how I lay out the songs. There is also a post on the site that describes all the Chordpro elements. See https://ozbcoz.com/chordpro-directives-implemented/

      Also if you are on the Songs Index page then if you click on the Menu item Create Song it will bring up a sample song that you can modify and save as a Favourite

  1. Hi Jim, I have been downloading songs from your excellent site for the two years I have been playing and I have them accessible as single PDF’s in my books folder on my iPad Air 2. This served me well until I realised I could have the complete songbook in my books thereby I wouldn’t need to input a particular song into the site to see it.
    Today looking for the full songbook in my books it has disappeared and I am at a loss as to why.
    I’ve tried downloading it again but it doesn’t seem to have downloaded to books or anywhere else for that matter.
    What am I doing wrong?

    1. I am not sure what would have gone wrong. I am not an iPad expert but if I download a book on an iPad (say using Safari) I get an alert saying Do you want to download Jim’sUkulele Songbook? I click download and down it comes. Up at the top there is a down arro in a circle. I click on that and it shows there and I can click on it?

      1. I find it confusing to register and log into Jim’s song book, some of the items on the homepage take you into totally irrelevant areas, please give me some explicit instructions, I am a ukulele player and see some interesting things on the songbook, cheers

        1. I am not sure what items take you into totally irrelevant areas – can you make that clearer please.

          The first thing you have to do is to register on the site. Go to https://ozbcoz.com/Songs or click on the Songs menu item on the blog page

          Up at the top right there is a Login/Register link. Click on that and follow through the instructions there. A verify email will be set to confirm the registration (so make sure the email address is right). Click on the button in the email you receive to verify. Then go back to the Songs page, click on that link again and Login this time. That should be all you need to do

    1. OK –
      1. go to the songs index page at https://ozbcoz.com/Songs
      2. click on the Login/Register link at the top right of the page
      3. On the next page click on the button marked Register
      4. On the next page fill in your username, password and email – also click on the box saying I am not a robot
      5. It is very important that you get your email correct or the next step will not happen
      6. An email will be sent to the email address with a link in it – click on that lionk to verify. If your emil program doesn’t let you click on it the copy the link into a browser and do it that way – any issues contact me and I will help
      7. Once verified you can login

      1. I have tried to register using two different e-mail addresses, and two different user names. Each time, the process completes, and a message says that an e-mail is on its way, but after several minutes, no message has been received.

        1. Have you checked your Spam or delete/trash folder? I haven’t received a bounce message although they can take a while to happen if your mail server doesn’t like emails from the site

  2. Hi Jim
    Can the Limit of 50 songs be increased?
    We are a a community band and looking storing our fav songs in one place.

    1. Not at this moment Chris – I am cautious to see how much space this all takes up in my hosting account before I do any increases. I have to multiply all this by the thousands of people storing the favourites.

      How many songs would you want in the list?


  3. Hi Jim, hoping to join you on Tuesday. Can you tell me please which Christmas songs we will be singing so that I can look at the chords please?

    1. If you are in the Songs Index (https://ozbcoz.com/Songs ) then click on Login/reg up on the top right the on the next page Register and fill in info and the watch for verify email

      If in a Songs screen click on Login on top right and same procedure

  4. i am having trouble signing in to my account , sends me a temporary password but then tells me my e mail is not in the system !!

  5. I have been using your excellent site for two years without a problem. But a couple of montths ago, Norton has been blocking your songbook page as “malicious” and will no longer let me access your material.

    I wrote to Norton and they stand by their findings. That is most frustrating. You may have made a change in the last few months that have crashed into a Norton setting.

    What’s going on and how can we get into your material? I don’t want to disable Norton, of course.

    this happens both in Chrome and Bing, on Windows 10 desktop

    1. Norton are simply not fit for purpose. They do this on a regular basis. When I put in a challenge they take it off then some weeks later it come back on {but not for everyone!}
      I challenged yesterday and this cleared it on the songs index page which page do the shut down for you in case I need to challenge a new one ?

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