Songs For Baritone
On request I have added the ability to show songs that automatically open up with baritone chords – just like guitar and gCEA ukes. If you Click on the Uke menu item from the home page you can now click on a “Songs – Bari” menu item that will list off songs that open to baritone chords.
If others have tips on how to improve navigation and ease of use then I would love to hear them
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I have been waiting for quite a while for someone to come with songs for Baritone ukulele.
Absolutely over the moon site
thanks for that !!
Amazing site, thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks Jim,
Your site is my goto for 99.9% of my searches!
You are a champion!!!
Cheers John
I always
Use your songbook for my tenor Ukraine and have now got a Baratone Good Work well done.
Thanks Trevor
Excellent site well done